30 Apr 2010
Wat Tyler

Oast Houses
They consist of two or three storeys on which the hops were spread out to be dried by hot air from a wood or charcoal-fired kiln at the bottom. The drying floors were thin and perforated to permit the heat to pass through and it escaped through a cowl in the roof which turned with the wind. The freshly picked hops from the fields were raked in to dry and then raked out to cool before being bagged up and sent to the brewery. The Kentish dialect word Kell was sometimes used for kilns ("The oast has three kells.") and sometimes to mean the oast itself ("Take this lunchbox to your father, he's working in the kell.").

27 Apr 2010
I like...

I like to read the newspapers and find stupid news on them. It means nothing has happened in the world. I like to see how journalists have nothing to write about and then, they have to use different mechanisims to fill an entire newspaper, lots and lots of pages to talk about non-important stuff. Nothing serious at least.
My first Cornish Pasty
However, my sweet chilly chicken sandwich is the best thing in my lunch, a lovely discover. YUMMM
Barbecue days
St. George's Day (23rd April)

I was expecting...How should I put it? I was expecting...just something this day. It was the saint patron's day in here and there was no sign of it. Apart from their loved-postcards and a few flags everywhere. I had the idea they didn't have to work and it was a bank holiday. I realised of my big mistake. It's a shame they don't celebrate this day. After these two hard weeks working (that's after Easter) I was also expecting maybe I could be off this day as well. Curiously, they'll be off the 1st May because It's a bank holiday. That's right, but what happen with St. George? Is the society changing? or has the society changed yet? I'm afraid the question should be the second one. But I have to wonder now if this change is positive and how it will affect us in the future.
21 Apr 2010

Lang may yer lum reek! A salutation wishing long life and prosperity. Literally, long may your chimney smoke.
Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye! - What's meant to happen will happen.
Speak o' the Devil! - Usually said when you have been talking about someone - they usually appear.
Failing means yer playin! - When you fail at something at least you're trying.
Mony a mickle maks a muckle! - Saving a small amount soon builds up to a large amount.
When you have just said something to someone that they don't quite believe, they are very likely to reply by saying - Aye, Right!! Perhaps one of the most used Scottish sayings is "Auld Lang Syne" the famous song by Robert Burns sang throughout the world at New Year. The translation can be taken as "old long since" or "old long ago".
20 Apr 2010
Do we gaze at the stars because we are human? or are we human because we gaze at the stars?

The connotations associated to the stars is a distinctive feature that humans possess. The key word is contemplate. Naturally, we can assume that the rest of species don't look at the sky in the same way. What was the sequence of events that led us to change the fact of looking up and see them unavoidably from gazing at them deliberately?
It has been a slow process to become aware of the nature of our planet, the theories have been changing constantly and the mistakes have been corrected by new discoveries. In these time we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so that we have a lot of researching work ahead. Nevertheless, there is one thing that has remained unchangeable: our fascination for the starry firmament and our wish of achieving the skies.
As we would have expected, humans haven't developed a pair of wing to fly through, but we have improved notoriously our aircrafts in the last decades, in such a way that is one of the safest means of transport at present. So we have accomplished succesfully this ambition.
Our astonishment about these spots of light has been showed since early historical periods in most artisctic branches, such as painting, photography, literature, although their influence on other disciplines is undeniable too. We can find a colossal number of metaphors in poetry, for example. We can dare to affirm that it has been the topic and the muse of inspiration of many artists.
Finally, we have to mention, the influence over religions and consequently over the course of our history, being the role of astrologists of extreme importance of society. The importance of the elements in Egyptian life is obvious and it configured their lifestyle in a decisive way. Nowadays, the religions have changed and people seem to be losing this fascination somehow. Fortunately, there are some people who still enjoy of this divine or not work.
Iceland volcanic ash: Unprecedented closure airspace

Today the situation has improved slightly and some flights are taking off in a restricted internal area, according to the news: Some domestic flights are taking off in the UK, as airports begin to reopen after five days without flights because of the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. Schedules are constantly changing and passengers have been advised not to travel to airports until they have checked with their airline or tour operator. The hope had been that the intensity of volcanic eruptions was reducing, but the emergence of a new ash cloud has meant plans to reopen British airspace have been revised.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said airports were "taking advantage of the window of opportunity" as the impact of the volcano ash cloud temporarily lessened, but stressed that passenger safety would remain "paramount".
Let's stir up the past, it seems like if there were a sort of inconvenient with planes this year across the UK (Which affects me directly). December and January were the months of the snow and a lot of flights were disrupted causing a chaos in the airports. Afterwards we had the strikes of BA on March, and now we have a volcanic eruption! What'll be next thing? An evil dragon belching out fire while it's snowing heavily in summer? C'mon!