5 Jan 2010

Destino que entretejes mi camino,
has puesto baches, zanjas y
un acantilado que no me atrevo
a cruzar. Una zancada ancha y
un empujón servirán para pasar
al otro lado y hallar la verdad.
¿Y si caigo? ¿Quién me salvará?
Saltar con los ojos cerrados y
las nubes alcanzar. Confianza
y valentía para elegir mi camino
y descoser las puntadas que
inmovilizan mis pies ante el vacío.
¡Hazlo ahora y no dudes más!

"Cuanto más difícil es hacer algo mayor es la recompensa que te espera al final"

2 Jan 2010

All goes, and all remains,
but our task is to go,
to go creating roads
roads through the sea.

Traveller, the road is only
your footprint, and no more;
traveller, there’s no road,
the road is your travelling.

Going becomes the road
and if you look back
you will see a path
none can tread again.

A. Machado

1 Jan 2010

Home, Sweet Home

Finally I succeeded in arriving home successfully last 26th of the last year after two failed tries. Today a new stage is beginning in my life (I know there must be lots of people who have the same impression right now) , a clearer new one and I have the feeling is going to be filled with lots of good experiences. Maybe I'm wrong, but who is absolutely convinced to be right completely? The answer is simple: Nobody. I have any kind of purpose for the 2010, just to be as much happy as I can and smile every day because life is wonderful.
All people dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind,
Wake in the morning to find that it was vanity.
But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people,
For they dream their dreams with open eyes,
And make them come true.
