20 Apr 2010

Iceland volcanic ash: Unprecedented closure airspace

The last Thursday we could read this on BBC: All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been suspended as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south. Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines. The European air safety body, Eurocontrol, said the cloud of ash had reached 55,000ft and was expected to move through northern UK and Scotland.

Today the situation has improved slightly and some flights are taking off in a restricted internal area, according to the news: Some domestic flights are taking off in the UK, as airports begin to reopen after five days without flights because of the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. Schedules are constantly changing and passengers have been advised not to travel to airports until they have checked with their airline or tour operator. The hope had been that the intensity of volcanic eruptions was reducing, but the emergence of a new ash cloud has meant plans to reopen British airspace have been revised.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said airports were "taking advantage of the window of opportunity" as the impact of the volcano ash cloud temporarily lessened, but stressed that passenger safety would remain "paramount".

Let's stir up the past, it seems like if there were a sort of inconvenient with planes this year across the UK (Which affects me directly). December and January were the months of the snow and a lot of flights were disrupted causing a chaos in the airports. Afterwards we had the strikes of BA on March, and now we have a volcanic eruption! What'll be next thing? An evil dragon belching out fire while it's snowing heavily in summer? C'mon!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone of us (I mean the assistants) have been worried about the weather at every single holiday : much snow at first, now the volcano, I'm planning on an Alien invasion in June !
