21 Apr 2010


Lang may yer lum reek! A salutation wishing long life and prosperity. Literally, long may your chimney smoke.
Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye! - What's meant to happen will happen.
Speak o' the Devil! - Usually said when you have been talking about someone - they usually appear.
Failing means yer playin! - When you fail at something at least you're trying.
Mony a mickle maks a muckle! - Saving a small amount soon builds up to a large amount.

When you have just said something to someone that they don't quite believe, they are very likely to reply by saying - Aye, Right!! Perhaps one of the most used Scottish sayings is "Auld Lang Syne" the famous song by Robert Burns sang throughout the world at New Year. The translation can be taken as "old long since" or "old long ago".

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