29 May 2010

Goodbye R. J. Dio

It has been a really bad news. The American heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio, who replaced Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath passed away last 16th May aged 67.
"He possessed one of the greatest voices in all of heavy metal, and had a heart to match it," said Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French, whose band toured with Dio since 1983, and was to do so again this summer at European rock festivals. "He was the nicest, classiest person you would ever want to meet."
Life goes on withouth one genious. Thank you for your music.

\m/ \m/

Rainy Saturday

After such a wonderful night, I cannot help this feeling of emptiness. It's being a sad day, the height is I've get wet on my way home and Abbie has laughed at my curly and soaking wet hair. I've tried to walk as fast as my legs allowed me. Jumping over the big puddles!
On the bright side, the sound of the drops on the ceiling of the library has been very helpful in order to being focused on my studies. I've been studying reported speech which I think it's quite interesting but I need more practice. It seems that there are some people who are not aware of the meaning of the words quiet room because some bastards were talking and surfing the net while others were trying to study. I've remained calm and just ignored them. Definitely, i'll take some music for the next occasion.
(The upper picture is my temple where I have all language books and dictionaries. The bad thing is most of them are only reference books which means I cannot take them home. Below, there's a picture of a book that has made me think of someone called Indira. I'm looking forward to cuddling her!)

Nothing special for today, just watch a movie that I've borrowed from the library ( Dances with wolves) and some pepsi and onion and cheese Walkers. I need to get some rest for tomorrow and for the next week due to is half term and I'll be working like a workaholic. I love resting days like today :)

28 May 2010

Never say goodbye

Tonight is gonna be a bitter night. I'm going to have dinner out and I'm sure it will be very nice and pleasant. However, and in spite of the undeniable quality of the food in that Italian restaurant, the reason why we are meeting is to say 'see you'. You have been these last weeks saying how few time there was ahead, and I'll miss you so much. The important thing is we enjoy as much as possible and we keep in touch. It's not the end.

27 May 2010

Another day that went by and soon another month. Time goes so fast in this place. I dunno way, maybe it's just due to I keep myself so busy during the whole day. Finally It was true that It was going to rain and we have had a typical rainy day. Abbie has had swimming today and I've spent 5 hours non-stop working. I feel so tired right now. I'd like to be in my bed, with Katy and Indira but all I have is Rossie and Tomasina. It's not tha same. I miss them a lot lately. I know I'll be with them soon and I cannot wait for that moment. So...tomorrow Friday at least! I still have to make my plans for the weekend.

26 May 2010

Dover and Deal

What a wonderful places! If I don't have enough time I'll regret not visiting Sandwich, but may be it will be more interesting to see the other side: Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, etc. etc. As I said in a previous post, my intention is coming back and discover more places. I've been twice to Dover (having trouble in pronouncing the entire name of the railway station: Dover Priory, but It doesn't really matter too much because I was able to make myself understood). The city in itself it's not as big as I imagined (WRONG!) and It's a very cosy small town. The promenade was under construction and It was not very nice to see but anyway It was worth to visit it twice as we enjoy the wonderful castle (the wonderful and huge castle), the cliffs (in our attempt to see them) and the small museum where I saw a polar bear and I thought they were not such a big species!

Deal is a smaller city not very far from Dover and It counts with a nice seafront, a long and scary pier where everybody goes to fish. I saw a sing where it said it was prohibited fishing but only in a specefic area, I should have read the whole message. Damn it! haha
It was interesting to see how fishermen sold fresh fish on the shore, never seen before.

We got on a small tour boat and it was very exciting as it was my first time. I was a bit terrified because it was been rocking by the waves.

I have got tanned arms and chest in these sunny days. Everybody who has spent a weekend in London says ohh, It's always raining, blah, blah, blah. Rubbish! Oh, speaking of rain, I've broken three brollies since I'm here. On second thoughts, I didn't break the last one but the thing is the stupid wind keeps making me buying umbrellas like a maniac-
It was wonderful, amazing, stunning, etc. to be in the beach, I hurt my feet because of the pebbles (Big stones) but It was a worth experience and loads of fun.

Born under a bad sign

Bubble and Squeak

I haven't tried it yet, but I know where I can try it, so I hope to manage to taste this traditional English dish. Basically is made of leftovers of vegetables. It reminds me of Spanish omelette as it includes potatoes as well. This one doesn't add eggs so they are similar in appearance but not in taste. I'm thinking of my mother's asparagus omelette, yuk, how disgusting!

The Plum Pudding in Danger (or State epicures taking un petit souper) James Gillray 1805

A caricature of British Prime Minister Pitt and the French Emperor Napoleon dividing the world between themselves.
I've just came across this image and I found it funny so I want to share it. I like this kinda satirical humour, they are cutting the planet like if it were the thanksgiving day's turkey. Blimey!

Nearly 2 months left in the UK

Despite the fact that I've been having in mind to write on my blog, it seems my muse has taken a holiday. Now I find myself with lots of things to write about that have happened in these weeks 'in blank'. Lack of time has been another important issue.

May is on the verge of ending and the summer is showing shyly. Today is supposed to rain heavily but all we are having for now is a annoying wind. Cold or hot temperatures, life goes on and doesn't wait for anyone. I won't give any detail, but things are not going so wonderfully for all. We've received such bad news lately. Sadly, this is this is just the tip of the iceberg and worse is yet to come. I think fate of people is very often unfair and I don't understand why but I suppose that there are no reasons, it's just part of the game, and in all games you can be lucky or unlucky, the dice is cast once we are born and start breathing.

There are plenty of places to visit to and I cannot say the same about time which is almost over. Just two months more in here and I'll be back in the blink of an eye. I'll do my best and visit as much as possible. It isn't a problem because I'm going with the intention of coming back. I absolutely love the place.

I've been in the library this morning and I've found a very interesting book which helps you to expand your vocabulary. I think it'll quite helpful. I'm not conscious about the improvements I've done during these looong months. Next week we'll have half term and I'll be working more hours, this is a inconvenience as I have my Cambridge test rather soon, just a few weeks left to prepare it. I'm not taking it very seriously because I cannot concentrate properly, I don't have enough time to prepare each part, and so on. Apart from this, I'm very proud of myself 'cause I got a good mark in the reading part which was very complicated to me and It seems that I'm doing much better.

The teacher is mad, she goes very fast and we are all the time changing the page on the book so you can get lost easily if you don't pay attention. We were having a quick look at reported speech and I need to refresh it.
I'm going to miss lots of things when I'm home again. But...Home, sweet home. I need to rest and to put in order all the new knowledge I've acquired recently. What will future bring to my life?