26 May 2010

Dover and Deal

What a wonderful places! If I don't have enough time I'll regret not visiting Sandwich, but may be it will be more interesting to see the other side: Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, etc. etc. As I said in a previous post, my intention is coming back and discover more places. I've been twice to Dover (having trouble in pronouncing the entire name of the railway station: Dover Priory, but It doesn't really matter too much because I was able to make myself understood). The city in itself it's not as big as I imagined (WRONG!) and It's a very cosy small town. The promenade was under construction and It was not very nice to see but anyway It was worth to visit it twice as we enjoy the wonderful castle (the wonderful and huge castle), the cliffs (in our attempt to see them) and the small museum where I saw a polar bear and I thought they were not such a big species!

Deal is a smaller city not very far from Dover and It counts with a nice seafront, a long and scary pier where everybody goes to fish. I saw a sing where it said it was prohibited fishing but only in a specefic area, I should have read the whole message. Damn it! haha
It was interesting to see how fishermen sold fresh fish on the shore, never seen before.

We got on a small tour boat and it was very exciting as it was my first time. I was a bit terrified because it was been rocking by the waves.

I have got tanned arms and chest in these sunny days. Everybody who has spent a weekend in London says ohh, It's always raining, blah, blah, blah. Rubbish! Oh, speaking of rain, I've broken three brollies since I'm here. On second thoughts, I didn't break the last one but the thing is the stupid wind keeps making me buying umbrellas like a maniac-
It was wonderful, amazing, stunning, etc. to be in the beach, I hurt my feet because of the pebbles (Big stones) but It was a worth experience and loads of fun.

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