29 May 2010

Rainy Saturday

After such a wonderful night, I cannot help this feeling of emptiness. It's being a sad day, the height is I've get wet on my way home and Abbie has laughed at my curly and soaking wet hair. I've tried to walk as fast as my legs allowed me. Jumping over the big puddles!
On the bright side, the sound of the drops on the ceiling of the library has been very helpful in order to being focused on my studies. I've been studying reported speech which I think it's quite interesting but I need more practice. It seems that there are some people who are not aware of the meaning of the words quiet room because some bastards were talking and surfing the net while others were trying to study. I've remained calm and just ignored them. Definitely, i'll take some music for the next occasion.
(The upper picture is my temple where I have all language books and dictionaries. The bad thing is most of them are only reference books which means I cannot take them home. Below, there's a picture of a book that has made me think of someone called Indira. I'm looking forward to cuddling her!)

Nothing special for today, just watch a movie that I've borrowed from the library ( Dances with wolves) and some pepsi and onion and cheese Walkers. I need to get some rest for tomorrow and for the next week due to is half term and I'll be working like a workaholic. I love resting days like today :)

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