26 May 2010

Nearly 2 months left in the UK

Despite the fact that I've been having in mind to write on my blog, it seems my muse has taken a holiday. Now I find myself with lots of things to write about that have happened in these weeks 'in blank'. Lack of time has been another important issue.

May is on the verge of ending and the summer is showing shyly. Today is supposed to rain heavily but all we are having for now is a annoying wind. Cold or hot temperatures, life goes on and doesn't wait for anyone. I won't give any detail, but things are not going so wonderfully for all. We've received such bad news lately. Sadly, this is this is just the tip of the iceberg and worse is yet to come. I think fate of people is very often unfair and I don't understand why but I suppose that there are no reasons, it's just part of the game, and in all games you can be lucky or unlucky, the dice is cast once we are born and start breathing.

There are plenty of places to visit to and I cannot say the same about time which is almost over. Just two months more in here and I'll be back in the blink of an eye. I'll do my best and visit as much as possible. It isn't a problem because I'm going with the intention of coming back. I absolutely love the place.

I've been in the library this morning and I've found a very interesting book which helps you to expand your vocabulary. I think it'll quite helpful. I'm not conscious about the improvements I've done during these looong months. Next week we'll have half term and I'll be working more hours, this is a inconvenience as I have my Cambridge test rather soon, just a few weeks left to prepare it. I'm not taking it very seriously because I cannot concentrate properly, I don't have enough time to prepare each part, and so on. Apart from this, I'm very proud of myself 'cause I got a good mark in the reading part which was very complicated to me and It seems that I'm doing much better.

The teacher is mad, she goes very fast and we are all the time changing the page on the book so you can get lost easily if you don't pay attention. We were having a quick look at reported speech and I need to refresh it.
I'm going to miss lots of things when I'm home again. But...Home, sweet home. I need to rest and to put in order all the new knowledge I've acquired recently. What will future bring to my life?

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