3 Nov 2009

Engineering works

Some lines of London's tube are suspended due to engineering works and there's a bus service operating between the stations, but this is familiar to me... It's the same nightmare that in Madrid a couple of months ago but more tedious because all the lines are or are going to be under construction ( this is what i understand in the messy webpage at least) and the tube is considerably bigger. I had to change three times of train! They claim: we are transforming the tube, COOL!!! , but it looks to last nor one month neither two..In fact it looks that it's going to take longer.
But that's not all, There're train delays in national rail aswell but i'm not sure if it's due to engineering works or it was just a stroke of bad luck. I had to be waiting for half an hour to next train because of mine was first delayed 15minutes and finally cancelled. The height of it is that i was running uphill along the endless street while the rain's drops hit on my face (specially in my eyes i saw all blurry!) When i arrived to the station, there was a lovely family buying a tickets to London and they were more lost than me so the ticket clerk was explaining the prices and possibilities...
To make a long story short... I'm fed up with the transport of Spain and of England.

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