15 Nov 2009

Fireworks (31/10/09)

We were having dinner at Peige's on Friday. There were lots of food (mainly junk food), there were burguers, sausages, baked potatoes, baked pasta, cakes, etc. I tasted a new sauce made of lime and chilli and It was really spicy but i really liked it and i decided to have my potato with it. After dinner we were outside and there was a kind of wood stove in the garden and we were playing with sparklers , we had lot of fun. We were to see the fireworks on Saturday night, i was impressed 'cause there were lots of people in the street. It was amazing, there were lots of stars in the dark sky.
Estuvimos viendo los fuegos artificiales en una especie de campo de fútbol, aunque estaba muy oscuro y no sé a ciencia cierta donde fuimos, sólo se que era la primera vez que estaba allí ya que tuvimos que andar mucho hasta que llegamos. Había muchísima gente por todas partes, en los pubs, en las calles, y había muchos puestos vendiendo espadas de colores y ese tipo de cosas para los niños y los borrachos! Era la primera vez que veía fuegos artificiales tan de cerca y la verdad es que fue espectacular.

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