I'm going to miss all of you so much although I know I'm going to see you soon.
I've tried some new things such as Minced pies with raisins inside, Abbie and Paige don't like them at all and they were fooling about, but in my personal view they are nice. Funnily, I thought it was made of meat and not fruits.
They have given me a fluffy and cosy robe, a lovely cuddle teddy bear, a pyjamas so cool (Graham family), and a pair of sox, some sweetes, a box with assorted bathroom stuff (Gregory family). I was open-mouthed when I've seen the huge carton bag in front of my eyes.
Afterwards, Abbie and Paige have been singing and dancing to me four songs, it's been a nice detail. They have sung the last one song without any music and it has been lovely. But I'm afraid it's going to rain heavily tomorrow...Probably...
They have liked my Spanish omelette and I hope they haven't thrown it away because it supposed to be my dinner...
On a side note, I'd like to add that they liked their presents, the clock is on the chimney in the living room and abbie has painted her fingernails.Minced Pie
I don't know whether to write, in english or in spanish?
ReplyDeleteThe next time you talk me clarify this question, jejejeje.
I´m really happy that your Christmas Party was so well. And now in spanish...
No tengo yo la mente muy despejada para escribir en inglés hoy.
Veo que la fiesta de Navidad que te hicieron te divirtió muchísimo, me alegro de que los regalos te gustasen y que también les gustasen a ellos los tuyos.
Otro día te escribo un poco más (y en inglés).