23 Dec 2009


On 21th, that's two days ago, I was supposed to take a plane at 16:55. Due to the poor weather conditions my flight was cancelled and I had to return home from Gatwick. I was waiting for a long time because they delayed my flight twice and I had to be waiting about three hours from my expected departure hour. I barely slept 5 or 6 hours because I got up early to get another flight before than other people.
Theorically I was lucky 'cause I found a new one in the same day. So I did my packing again and took the train to Luton. As the traing went further I realized the amount of snow was increasing gradually...But I tried to keep positive thoughts. I arrive 4 hours before my gate closes, plenty of time for nothing because as I arrived they told me in the information counter my flight was cancelled. Funnily the information screen was wrong and then I came back home again.
Below, some snowmen in the exit. Some sarcasm...
Fortunately I could see a wonderful sunset when returning home in the train.
There're few double-decker buses in Gillingham... The adventures have not ended yet, I have to walk around 15 minutes until aproach my house, and all the streets' ground were covered in a thick icy layer, so most people were walking on the road. Really dangerous but the unique solution to avoid fall down and break your teeth.

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