17 Dec 2009

Rochester's historic catalpa tree

Rochester's Catalpa forever heels at the foot of England's second oldest Cathedral, founded in 640AD by Bishop Justus. Under the twisted and time-wrought boughs of this beautiful tree one has the sense of being embraced in a living history. From Dickens to D-Day, the tree has seen it all.
"I think it looks like a big friendly spider waiting to climb
the Cathedral." Sasha Patel, Aged 6

"I remember being a very young child when we got caught in torrential rain on the way back from the market. We headed for shelter under the Catalpa and I can still recall the feeling of being safe - looking up into the gnarled branches and wondering if the tree could talk! As an adult, there's still a certain magic and mystery that surrounds this tree and I'll always consider it a friend."Miss. T. Ree

"It makes me sad when I see the tree because the wooden pole looks like a walking stick. It's a very old tree and we should help it."

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