12 Jun 2010

Saying goodbye

Once a teacher told us: To be born is only to begin to die, and today more than ever I have this saying nailed in my mind. When you see someone to die in less than a month, fading away as the flame of a candle, leaving behind just a veil of smoke and sadness, it makes you think about certain things.
She passed away last rainy Thursday and It was a really hard day in here for everybody. I guess It was the best for her tho. The word I've heard more lately is: Strong. It's an adjective easily pronounceable but it's not so easy to put in practice.
Nearly a month and a half to be in England and I wish I were already at home with my family. I absolutely need them. So I have to add up another word: Patience.
I still cannot believe this has happened. It seems like a bad nightmare. Life goes on, and nobody waits for anybody. I need to carry on with the race if I want to get to the finishing line. The truth is I cannot do too much for the kids she leaves. However, I cannot stop thinking about them. It's simply horrific. You never know when you are gonna fall in death's clutches. But death is part of life and we have to learn to cope with it.
I'll keep her memory with fondness; those conversations we had walking to the school every morning. Rest in peace. We all miss you.

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