29 Mar 2010

Raindrops and Sunshine

Another week is just beginning. Abbie was complaining about the bad weather, saying we are about in spring and I answered her 'Precisely because spring is coming we have rain!'.
Another spring. Time goes too fast to me lately, I don't know why, I don't know how...but days pass by in front of my eyes and I feel it slipping through my fingers like fine sand.
I love listening to the birdsongs in the morning, they answer each other, in a secret code that most people can not perceive or simply ignore.
The other day, I was looking through my window. It's amazing how clouds move, they slide in the sky very gently.
It's funny how people suddenly is taking a umbrella in Madrid. The situation is as follows: Nice wather, passers-by form a mass of heads and blurry faces in the crowded streets and the sky begins to cry and the faces disappear and all you manage to see is a lot of umbrellas opened creating a colourful view. However, when it begins to rain in England, people usually cover their head with a hood. There are just a few with brollies. Most of them wear raincoats.

I used to hate rain in Madrid. I considered it very annoying and unpleasant, but I'm learning a valuable lesson..:C'mon it's just some water.

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