30 Mar 2010

We are alive

Imagine a mountain higher than Mount Everest, so high you can almost touch the stars and the clouds in the sky. Life, in a simplistic way, is something like this. The bad news is you only have one chance to approach the summet on the top. It's not an easy climb (we have the proper name Ascensión in Spanish which comes from the verb ascender, maybe all people with this name have half of the journey already gained). Paradoxically, the verb ascend exists in English (according to the RAE it has a latin origin) language too, and in both languages we have the word (to) descend (verb) and descent (noun): descender and descenso respectively. Leaving words far behind, and carrying on with the metaphor, it's easily to fall down and move backwards. Nevertheless, it's a valuable lesson when you are able to fight nail and tooth to get back in the climb and don't give up.
The secret is to look for a ladder in one side of the mountain, a place more accesible and less uneven. If I have learnt something is: there's always a way, there's always something we can do about absolutely everything. So step by step, little by little, petit à petit, poco a poco...We learn in each step we take forwards, but remember sometimes you have to take a step backwards to take two steps forward.

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