8 Mar 2010

Six months living in Kent

It has been a LONG time without writing any post, but as the saying goes: better later than never, so here I go. Many things have happened in these time. Step by step I'm getting closer to the summit (I learnt this word yesterday! ^^) and I'm a bit closer to my dream which isn't easy to fulfill. In fact, it's a hard task and I sometimes get the feeling I want to give up. By luck or misfortune, I'm a fighter and I'll struggle with tooth and nail (that's fiercely) to achieve it, whatever it takes, it doesn't matter.
I need to polish up, to work hard every day and to avoid to be low-spirited to keep it up.
The overview of these six months in here is positive but I have been quite isolated from people due to the job I'm doing. But, I'm happy because I'm living in the UK and maybe I can stay longer, at least I know how to manage on my own in the area, and I'm not afraid of being alone in a strange place. In a few days It will be my birthday which means to me I need to keep focused on my studies because I'm not a baby and time/life goes by meanwhile you keep busy.
Today I've paid my fee for CAE, I hope to be able of passing it, if not, it doesn't matter I can do it. Today is freezing! I don't know how english people can wear just a t-shirt. Unbelievable! Increíble!

1 comment:

  1. It's good you started writing again, keep going, it's very interesting !
