13 Nov 2010

Miss you loads!!!

How fast time goes by! You cannot believe how many times during the day I think of you. There are just silly things that remind me of you, the most daily stuff. It has been the best experience in my life so far. I've learnt a lot, I've grown up. I'm more mature and I've got my ideas clearer. It has been a huge pleasure to share a year with you. You are wonderful people. I get a tear in my eye when I see all the pics. Wishing you all the best! xxxxxx

25 Jul 2010

This is not the end

All good things have to come to an end and this magnificent experience is about to end up. I have just 6 days left in The British Isles and I'll come back for sure. There are plenty of places I leave unseen and they are worth a visit. This last weekend has been absolutely quiet, I didn't feel like doing anything else, I'm so excited, with ants in my pants, that I needed to chill out a bit. I'm surprised that time has passed by so fast, there have been better days than others, but the overall feeling is pretty positive and I'm thinking about repeat it in the close future. It also depends on my marks next year, because I'm into the University I wanted and in two-month time (approx.), I'll be starting my classes. I just can't wait for it! What else can I ask for? Everything is going well, there are new people in my life who I really hope know in depth and there are people who are not in my life any more. Sometimes, we have to make decisions and turn the page. Actions speak louder than words, innit? I love to have a Kentish accent, I guess I have it, I don't know, at least I'm happy to have learnt in this part of the country.
A new challenge is about to begin: Learning German and I'm very happy about it, it sounds quite interesting to be able to read books written in this language.
So this is a see you later, for now :)

18 Jun 2010

This week is being quite stressful because I have to prepare my documents to change the university where I'll study next course. I consider the period is too short and I don't want to wait until September because that means I'll begin later than other people and I don't want to miss any class. On top of all, being so far I don't have any control over the steps nor process, and I feel kinda insecurity and most likely unnecesary worries. But, I can't help myself, it's something very important to me, because i can't afford myself to lose another year. It's been difficult to realise what I wanted to do in my life and now that I'm aware of it, I only want to do it and work hard to achieve it. So, the deadline for the enrollment form is on 21st. which means you don't have too much time because I assume that you can't go at the weekend, or yes? All I know is there's a huge lack of info.

Lollipop Lady

Lollipop lady aka crossing guard is one of those things I've discovered in this country. It has become so familiar to see her every single day that It's strange when she isn't. For example, this morning we haven't seen her and despite the flow of traffic is limited (Although it's supposed to be rush hour), she helps us alot to cross the road. I have no idea how she is called but all I can say is that she is very friendly and helpful, I suppose that it's part of her job. In any case, thank you for your service which can become very tough when the weather is bad and ugly, something quite common in here.

17 Jun 2010


Yesterday was the E-Day (exam day). I'm not all done yet though. I'll do the last one part (Speaking test) on Sat, and to be honest, I'm looking forward to finishing it. I hope I don't get very nervous. But above all, most importantly is the pics are not too difficult and I know the vocabulary related to them, otherwise, I'll be lost! Unfortunately, I haven't had an easy time lately, so I haven't been able to manage to prepare my exam(s)/test(s)/whatever! properly. I've been down in the dumps, and I wasn't in the mood to put my nose into books. (this sounds suspiciously incorrect)

I have to mention that the last class we had, one of our classmates (Jim) gave out a lovely bunch of yellow roses. We all were surprised. I have put my two flowers in a vase with water to keep them as long as possible. Before I bin it, I'll dry a few petals.

The exams went not too bad, better than I thought previously. Although It was a big effort because we spent all morning long doing it. I hope it worths it. If not, I'll have another go when I feel ready. I know how much I've improved during this year in England. Naturally, it's much better If I return home with a official qualification... But you can't have your cake and eat it too, can you? All I want now is to end my exams up and start a new stage in my life. That's what life is all about, I guess: Beginnings and endings. As regards the exam (again), I think the best part for me was Use of English (this is the grammar test), I was comparing the answers with a classmate and we had the same ones, so or we are happily right or tragically wrong. Let's be postive about it, I have a hunch that it's the first one and not the latter. The worst part for me was the Listening because apart from its complexity, it was the last, so we were already quite tired and it was more complicated to pay attention. Oh my God, it was impossible to understand a single word from the first girl in the first exercise, she had an odd accent.

Ooook! I've been lazing about enough time for this morning. Let's get started!

12 Jun 2010

Happy Birthday

Although we weren't precisely high-spirited yesterday, It was Abbie's B/day. In my humble opinion I believe it would have been more reasonable to wait a week because things have happened very recently. Anyway, as it wasn't my decision, we decorated the house with balloons and some stuff and she got lots of presents and cards. We are going to Splash water park tomorrow. She is going to have a party and I'm sure she'll enjoy a lot. I have tried not to go, but I have to. So, I'm afraid I won't be able to visit all the places I had in mind. I'll just take it easy and do as much as possible. No rush. I can always come back. The country is not going to move, I hope!

Oh, gaze ye on the firmament! a hundred clouds in motion

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

William Wordsworth

Saying goodbye

Once a teacher told us: To be born is only to begin to die, and today more than ever I have this saying nailed in my mind. When you see someone to die in less than a month, fading away as the flame of a candle, leaving behind just a veil of smoke and sadness, it makes you think about certain things.
She passed away last rainy Thursday and It was a really hard day in here for everybody. I guess It was the best for her tho. The word I've heard more lately is: Strong. It's an adjective easily pronounceable but it's not so easy to put in practice.
Nearly a month and a half to be in England and I wish I were already at home with my family. I absolutely need them. So I have to add up another word: Patience.
I still cannot believe this has happened. It seems like a bad nightmare. Life goes on, and nobody waits for anybody. I need to carry on with the race if I want to get to the finishing line. The truth is I cannot do too much for the kids she leaves. However, I cannot stop thinking about them. It's simply horrific. You never know when you are gonna fall in death's clutches. But death is part of life and we have to learn to cope with it.
I'll keep her memory with fondness; those conversations we had walking to the school every morning. Rest in peace. We all miss you.

7 Jun 2010

A bad day

Today, 7th June is about to end up and thankfully tomorrow will be another day. I couldn't imagine I was gonna receive such bad news. How could you expect anything like this? I'm not in an easy position though. After all, It's not my business but I can't help my feelings. What can I do? How can I help? Simply, I cannot do too much for them. Maybe, I have lots of questions inside my head and I don't get any convincing answer.

Life consists on changes and in loss as well. It's sad to think about what's about to come, and what's going on know. All I know is that I have to keep strong and bear this difficult situation. However, where can I get out that strength? Today I feel small, very small.

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray.

I give cuddles when they are required but nobody gives me one when I need a big hug to make me feel everything's going to be alright. I miss my family awfully, and maybe I have more reasons than never to come back. Who knows? Time will tell us. But for today, all I manage to think and the conclusion I have reached is: Life is a bitch and then you die. the lowering of the curtain.

1 Jun 2010

Is it gonna rain?

(Picture taken in London's tube)

I have the day off and I'm still undecided.I don't know what to do or where to go. The sky is dark-grey and It will be raining soon (My washing is in the garden, damn it!) To put my clothes inside or leave them out...That's the question. The truth is that I don't care too much the destiny of my pieces of fabric.
Most likely is I'm going to spend the morning in Rochester because It's cosier than Gillingham and I don't want to do shopping, just walk around and take pictures and that's the orign of my worries about the bad weather. So, I'll take my brolly (FFFFFery immmporrrrtant) and my camera.
Yesterday I was tidying my stuff and I have got rid of lots of unwanted ''rubbish''. I have exactly two months ahead till I go home. So... Let's start the day! Happily and merrily life is but a dream, row row my boat lalala (I'm the best at making up songs' lyrics)

29 May 2010

Goodbye R. J. Dio

It has been a really bad news. The American heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio, who replaced Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath passed away last 16th May aged 67.
"He possessed one of the greatest voices in all of heavy metal, and had a heart to match it," said Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French, whose band toured with Dio since 1983, and was to do so again this summer at European rock festivals. "He was the nicest, classiest person you would ever want to meet."
Life goes on withouth one genious. Thank you for your music.

\m/ \m/

Rainy Saturday

After such a wonderful night, I cannot help this feeling of emptiness. It's being a sad day, the height is I've get wet on my way home and Abbie has laughed at my curly and soaking wet hair. I've tried to walk as fast as my legs allowed me. Jumping over the big puddles!
On the bright side, the sound of the drops on the ceiling of the library has been very helpful in order to being focused on my studies. I've been studying reported speech which I think it's quite interesting but I need more practice. It seems that there are some people who are not aware of the meaning of the words quiet room because some bastards were talking and surfing the net while others were trying to study. I've remained calm and just ignored them. Definitely, i'll take some music for the next occasion.
(The upper picture is my temple where I have all language books and dictionaries. The bad thing is most of them are only reference books which means I cannot take them home. Below, there's a picture of a book that has made me think of someone called Indira. I'm looking forward to cuddling her!)

Nothing special for today, just watch a movie that I've borrowed from the library ( Dances with wolves) and some pepsi and onion and cheese Walkers. I need to get some rest for tomorrow and for the next week due to is half term and I'll be working like a workaholic. I love resting days like today :)

28 May 2010

Never say goodbye

Tonight is gonna be a bitter night. I'm going to have dinner out and I'm sure it will be very nice and pleasant. However, and in spite of the undeniable quality of the food in that Italian restaurant, the reason why we are meeting is to say 'see you'. You have been these last weeks saying how few time there was ahead, and I'll miss you so much. The important thing is we enjoy as much as possible and we keep in touch. It's not the end.

27 May 2010

Another day that went by and soon another month. Time goes so fast in this place. I dunno way, maybe it's just due to I keep myself so busy during the whole day. Finally It was true that It was going to rain and we have had a typical rainy day. Abbie has had swimming today and I've spent 5 hours non-stop working. I feel so tired right now. I'd like to be in my bed, with Katy and Indira but all I have is Rossie and Tomasina. It's not tha same. I miss them a lot lately. I know I'll be with them soon and I cannot wait for that moment. So...tomorrow Friday at least! I still have to make my plans for the weekend.

26 May 2010

Dover and Deal

What a wonderful places! If I don't have enough time I'll regret not visiting Sandwich, but may be it will be more interesting to see the other side: Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, etc. etc. As I said in a previous post, my intention is coming back and discover more places. I've been twice to Dover (having trouble in pronouncing the entire name of the railway station: Dover Priory, but It doesn't really matter too much because I was able to make myself understood). The city in itself it's not as big as I imagined (WRONG!) and It's a very cosy small town. The promenade was under construction and It was not very nice to see but anyway It was worth to visit it twice as we enjoy the wonderful castle (the wonderful and huge castle), the cliffs (in our attempt to see them) and the small museum where I saw a polar bear and I thought they were not such a big species!

Deal is a smaller city not very far from Dover and It counts with a nice seafront, a long and scary pier where everybody goes to fish. I saw a sing where it said it was prohibited fishing but only in a specefic area, I should have read the whole message. Damn it! haha
It was interesting to see how fishermen sold fresh fish on the shore, never seen before.

We got on a small tour boat and it was very exciting as it was my first time. I was a bit terrified because it was been rocking by the waves.

I have got tanned arms and chest in these sunny days. Everybody who has spent a weekend in London says ohh, It's always raining, blah, blah, blah. Rubbish! Oh, speaking of rain, I've broken three brollies since I'm here. On second thoughts, I didn't break the last one but the thing is the stupid wind keeps making me buying umbrellas like a maniac-
It was wonderful, amazing, stunning, etc. to be in the beach, I hurt my feet because of the pebbles (Big stones) but It was a worth experience and loads of fun.

Born under a bad sign

Bubble and Squeak

I haven't tried it yet, but I know where I can try it, so I hope to manage to taste this traditional English dish. Basically is made of leftovers of vegetables. It reminds me of Spanish omelette as it includes potatoes as well. This one doesn't add eggs so they are similar in appearance but not in taste. I'm thinking of my mother's asparagus omelette, yuk, how disgusting!

The Plum Pudding in Danger (or State epicures taking un petit souper) James Gillray 1805

A caricature of British Prime Minister Pitt and the French Emperor Napoleon dividing the world between themselves.
I've just came across this image and I found it funny so I want to share it. I like this kinda satirical humour, they are cutting the planet like if it were the thanksgiving day's turkey. Blimey!

Nearly 2 months left in the UK

Despite the fact that I've been having in mind to write on my blog, it seems my muse has taken a holiday. Now I find myself with lots of things to write about that have happened in these weeks 'in blank'. Lack of time has been another important issue.

May is on the verge of ending and the summer is showing shyly. Today is supposed to rain heavily but all we are having for now is a annoying wind. Cold or hot temperatures, life goes on and doesn't wait for anyone. I won't give any detail, but things are not going so wonderfully for all. We've received such bad news lately. Sadly, this is this is just the tip of the iceberg and worse is yet to come. I think fate of people is very often unfair and I don't understand why but I suppose that there are no reasons, it's just part of the game, and in all games you can be lucky or unlucky, the dice is cast once we are born and start breathing.

There are plenty of places to visit to and I cannot say the same about time which is almost over. Just two months more in here and I'll be back in the blink of an eye. I'll do my best and visit as much as possible. It isn't a problem because I'm going with the intention of coming back. I absolutely love the place.

I've been in the library this morning and I've found a very interesting book which helps you to expand your vocabulary. I think it'll quite helpful. I'm not conscious about the improvements I've done during these looong months. Next week we'll have half term and I'll be working more hours, this is a inconvenience as I have my Cambridge test rather soon, just a few weeks left to prepare it. I'm not taking it very seriously because I cannot concentrate properly, I don't have enough time to prepare each part, and so on. Apart from this, I'm very proud of myself 'cause I got a good mark in the reading part which was very complicated to me and It seems that I'm doing much better.

The teacher is mad, she goes very fast and we are all the time changing the page on the book so you can get lost easily if you don't pay attention. We were having a quick look at reported speech and I need to refresh it.
I'm going to miss lots of things when I'm home again. But...Home, sweet home. I need to rest and to put in order all the new knowledge I've acquired recently. What will future bring to my life?

30 Apr 2010


Last Wednesday I was at Abbie's school. She wanted me to go to see her perfomance. They danced three different songs. I didn't like the songs particularly but they were full of beans and did a good job. They were a very symple and dynamic coreographies. They were quite coordinated though. It was a nice assembly and the headmaster was talking to the children and teachers. It was the first time I saw her. The radio was about to stop in the middle of a song, and they carried on dancing like professional dancers.

Wat Tyler

He was the leader of the English Peasants' Revolt of 1381. Tyler's Rebellion was not only the most extreme and widespread insurrection in English history but also the best-documented popular rebellion ever to have occurred during medieval times. The names of some of its leaders, John Ball, Wat Tyler and Jack Straw, are still familiar in popular culture even though next to nothing is known about them.

Oast Houses

An oast, oast house or hop kiln is a building designed for kilning (drying) hops as part of the brewing process. They can be found in most hop-growing (and former hop-growing) areas and are often good examples of vernacular architecture. Many redundant oasts have been converted into houses.
They consist of two or three storeys on which the hops were spread out to be dried by hot air from a wood or charcoal-fired kiln at the bottom. The drying floors were thin and perforated to permit the heat to pass through and it escaped through a cowl in the roof which turned with the wind. The freshly picked hops from the fields were raked in to dry and then raked out to cool before being bagged up and sent to the brewery. The Kentish dialect word Kell was sometimes used for kilns ("The oast has three kells.") and sometimes to mean the oast itself ("Take this lunchbox to your father, he's working in the kell.").

Oasts are generally associated with Kent, but are also found in Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire.The purpose of an oast is to dry hops. This is achieved by the use of a flow of heated air through the kiln, rather than a firing process.

27 Apr 2010

I like...

I like to read the newspapers and find stupid news on them. It means nothing has happened in the world. I like to see how journalists have nothing to write about and then, they have to use different mechanisims to fill an entire newspaper, lots and lots of pages to talk about non-important stuff. Nothing serious at least.

My first Cornish Pasty

Despite the fact that I was unsure of the cut of beef I was eating, I enjoyed this meal so much. I bought it in High Street, and I was very tempted to get it again yesterday but I'll wait. Next thing I want to try is toad in the hole. I know it's high-fat food and unhealthy but I won't be able to try it in Madrid (maybe yes).
However, my sweet chilly chicken sandwich is the best thing in my lunch, a lovely discover. YUMMM

Barbecue days

This weekend has been a quiet one. I've spent it with Graham's and Gregorie's. The weather has been incredibly nice. I sometimes wonder if I'm really living in this country. How many times have I heard about the poorly climate conditions? Just assumptions. It's spring, it's hot, it's sunny, it's a kinda paradise. It could be much better if I hadn't this terrible attacks of allergy, but everything can always be improved. Anyway (I love this flipping word), we have had a nice barbecues in the garden. It was funny to see all the animals set free, running around in all directions and trying to catch each other. Scrappy after Twinkle, Twinkle after Rossie, Tomasina inside the hutch of the bunnies sleeping... Oh my! It was something crazy! Funnily, on Sunday we had the barbecue about 3 pm and it was the dinner for the family! So I decided to make a Spanish omeletter for myself at night. Now it's time to solve some issues.

St. George's Day (23rd April)

St. George is the patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag. St George's emblem was adopted by Richard The Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century. The king's soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid confusion in battle.
St George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans' torture of Christians and died for his beliefs.

St George's Day was a major feast and national holiday in England on a par with Christmas from the early 15th century. However, this tradition had waned by the end of the 18th century after the union of England and Scotland. In recent years the popularity of St George's Day appears to be increasing gradually.
A traditional custom at this time was to wear a red rose in one's lapel, though with changes in fashion this is no longer common. Another custom is to fly or adorn the St George's Cross flag in some way: pubs in particular can be seen on 23 April festooned with garlands of St George's crosses. However, the modern association of the St George's Cross with sports such as football, cricket and rugby, along with far-right political parties such as the BNP means that this tradition is rare outside this context.

There is a growing reaction to the recent indifference to St George's Day. Organizations such as English Heritage, and the Royal Society of Saint George (a non-political English national society founded in 1894) have been encouraging celebrations. Other organisations like the St George Unofficial Bank Holiday are encouraging people to be more proactive by taking the day off work (an unofficial bank holiday). They seem to be having some effect. On the other hand, there have also been calls to replace St George as patron saint of England, on the grounds that he was an obscure figure who had no direct connection with the country. However there is no obvious consensus as to whom to replace him with, though names suggested include Edmund the Martyr, Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, or Saint Alban.

One of the best-known stories about Saint George is his fight with a dragon. But it is highly unlikely that he ever fought a dragon, and even more unlikely that he ever actually visited England. Despite this, St George is known throughout the world as the dragon-slaying patron saint of England.
Interesting fact: Shakespeare was born on 23 April 1564 and he died on the same day in 1616.
(Shop window in High Street in Gillingham)

I was expecting...How should I put it? I was expecting...just something this day. It was the saint patron's day in here and there was no sign of it. Apart from their loved-postcards and a few flags everywhere. I had the idea they didn't have to work and it was a bank holiday. I realised of my big mistake. It's a shame they don't celebrate this day. After these two hard weeks working (that's after Easter) I was also expecting maybe I could be off this day as well. Curiously, they'll be off the 1st May because It's a bank holiday. That's right, but what happen with St. George? Is the society changing? or has the society changed yet? I'm afraid the question should be the second one. But I have to wonder now if this change is positive and how it will affect us in the future.

21 Apr 2010


Lang may yer lum reek! A salutation wishing long life and prosperity. Literally, long may your chimney smoke.
Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye! - What's meant to happen will happen.
Speak o' the Devil! - Usually said when you have been talking about someone - they usually appear.
Failing means yer playin! - When you fail at something at least you're trying.
Mony a mickle maks a muckle! - Saving a small amount soon builds up to a large amount.

When you have just said something to someone that they don't quite believe, they are very likely to reply by saying - Aye, Right!! Perhaps one of the most used Scottish sayings is "Auld Lang Syne" the famous song by Robert Burns sang throughout the world at New Year. The translation can be taken as "old long since" or "old long ago".

20 Apr 2010

Do we gaze at the stars because we are human? or are we human because we gaze at the stars?

Since ancestral times, human being have felt attracted by the sky without any apparent reason. The gradual knowledge of how the world's elements work has been a decisive factor in the development of our technology. There was a time withouth precise watches neither street lighting, and people had to know the time looking at the sun and lit their steps with the brightness of the stars at night. The number of myths, legends and stories around this midget glow-worms is countless, in the same way we have a lot of unanswered questions.

The connotations associated to the stars is a distinctive feature that humans possess. The key word is contemplate. Naturally, we can assume that the rest of species don't look at the sky in the same way. What was the sequence of events that led us to change the fact of looking up and see them unavoidably from gazing at them deliberately?
It has been a slow process to become aware of the nature of our planet, the theories have been changing constantly and the mistakes have been corrected by new discoveries. In these time we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so that we have a lot of researching work ahead. Nevertheless, there is one thing that has remained unchangeable: our fascination for the starry firmament and our wish of achieving the skies.

As we would have expected, humans haven't developed a pair of wing to fly through, but we have improved notoriously our aircrafts in the last decades, in such a way that is one of the safest means of transport at present. So we have accomplished succesfully this ambition.
Our astonishment about these spots of light has been showed since early historical periods in most artisctic branches, such as painting, photography, literature, although their influence on other disciplines is undeniable too. We can find a colossal number of metaphors in poetry, for example. We can dare to affirm that it has been the topic and the muse of inspiration of many artists.

Finally, we have to mention, the influence over religions and consequently over the course of our history, being the role of astrologists of extreme importance of society. The importance of the elements in Egyptian life is obvious and it configured their lifestyle in a decisive way. Nowadays, the religions have changed and people seem to be losing this fascination somehow. Fortunately, there are some people who still enjoy of this divine or not work.


Iceland volcanic ash: Unprecedented closure airspace

The last Thursday we could read this on BBC: All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been suspended as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south. Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines. The European air safety body, Eurocontrol, said the cloud of ash had reached 55,000ft and was expected to move through northern UK and Scotland.

Today the situation has improved slightly and some flights are taking off in a restricted internal area, according to the news: Some domestic flights are taking off in the UK, as airports begin to reopen after five days without flights because of the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. Schedules are constantly changing and passengers have been advised not to travel to airports until they have checked with their airline or tour operator. The hope had been that the intensity of volcanic eruptions was reducing, but the emergence of a new ash cloud has meant plans to reopen British airspace have been revised.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said airports were "taking advantage of the window of opportunity" as the impact of the volcano ash cloud temporarily lessened, but stressed that passenger safety would remain "paramount".

Let's stir up the past, it seems like if there were a sort of inconvenient with planes this year across the UK (Which affects me directly). December and January were the months of the snow and a lot of flights were disrupted causing a chaos in the airports. Afterwards we had the strikes of BA on March, and now we have a volcanic eruption! What'll be next thing? An evil dragon belching out fire while it's snowing heavily in summer? C'mon!

19 Apr 2010

London Memorial Service for Polish president in Trafalgar Square

David Miliband was speaking in Trafalgar Square at a vigil for the president, his wife and a large number of officials who died in a plane crash. President Kaczynski, his wife Maria and 94 others died eight days ago when their plane crashed in fog as they flew to Russia. Across Britain yesterday, people saw the immense links between Britain and Poland. (BBC News)

30 Mar 2010

Proud Mary - CCR

Left a good job in the city,
Workin' for The Man every night and day,
And I never lost one minute of sleepin',
Worryin' 'bout the way things might have been.

Big wheel keep on turnin',
Proud Mary keep on burnin',
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis,
Pumped a lot of 'tane down in New Orleans,
But I never saw the good side of the city,
'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen.


Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

If you come down to the river,
Bet you gonna find some people who live.
You don't have to worry though you have no money,
People on the river are happy to give.

Gerkhin Looms

30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin and the Swiss Re Building, is a skyscraper in London's main financial district, the City of London.
The gherkin name dates back to at least 1999, referring to that plan's highly unorthodox layout and appearance. Due to the current building's somewhat phallic appearance, other inventive names have also been used for the building, including the Erotic gherkin, the Towering Innuendo, and the Crystal Phallus.

East End

The East End of London, also known simply as the East End, is the area of London, England, east of the medieval walled City of London and north of the River Thames, although it is not defined by universally accepted formal boundaries. Use of the term in a pejorative sense began in the late 19th century, as the expansion of the population of London led to extreme overcrowding throughout the area and a concentration of poor people and immigrants in the East End.

The invention about 1880 of the term 'East End' was rapidly taken up by the new halfpenny press, and in the pulpit and the music hall... A shabby man from Paddington, St Marylebone or Battersea might pass muster as one of the respectable poor. But the same man coming from Bethnal Green, Shadwell or Wapping was an 'East Ender', the box of Keating's bug powder must be reached for, and the spoons locked up. In the long run this cruel stigma came to do good. It was a final incentive to the poorest to get out of the 'East End' at all costs, and it became a concentrated reminder to the public conscience that nothing to be found in the 'East End' should be tolerated in a Christian country. —The Nineteenth Century XXIV (1888)
Throughout history, the area has absorbed waves of immigrants who have each added a new dimension to the culture and history of the area, most notably the French Protestant Huguenots in the 17th century, the Irish in the 18th century, Ashkenazi Jews fleeing pogroms in Eastern Europe towards the end of the 19th century, and the Bangladeshi community settling in the East End from the 1960s.

Jacket Potato or Baked potato

The baked potato has been popular in the UK for many years. In the mid 1800s, baked potatoes were sold on the streets by hawkers during the autumn and winter months. In London, it was estimated that some 10 tons of baked potatoes were sold each day by this method.Guy Fawkes Night was a traditional time to eat baked potatoes, often baked in the glowing embers of a bonfire, however this is no longer common and they are eaten at any time of the year.

We are alive

Imagine a mountain higher than Mount Everest, so high you can almost touch the stars and the clouds in the sky. Life, in a simplistic way, is something like this. The bad news is you only have one chance to approach the summet on the top. It's not an easy climb (we have the proper name Ascensión in Spanish which comes from the verb ascender, maybe all people with this name have half of the journey already gained). Paradoxically, the verb ascend exists in English (according to the RAE it has a latin origin) language too, and in both languages we have the word (to) descend (verb) and descent (noun): descender and descenso respectively. Leaving words far behind, and carrying on with the metaphor, it's easily to fall down and move backwards. Nevertheless, it's a valuable lesson when you are able to fight nail and tooth to get back in the climb and don't give up.
The secret is to look for a ladder in one side of the mountain, a place more accesible and less uneven. If I have learnt something is: there's always a way, there's always something we can do about absolutely everything. So step by step, little by little, petit à petit, poco a poco...We learn in each step we take forwards, but remember sometimes you have to take a step backwards to take two steps forward.

29 Mar 2010

Raindrops and Sunshine

Another week is just beginning. Abbie was complaining about the bad weather, saying we are about in spring and I answered her 'Precisely because spring is coming we have rain!'.
Another spring. Time goes too fast to me lately, I don't know why, I don't know how...but days pass by in front of my eyes and I feel it slipping through my fingers like fine sand.
I love listening to the birdsongs in the morning, they answer each other, in a secret code that most people can not perceive or simply ignore.
The other day, I was looking through my window. It's amazing how clouds move, they slide in the sky very gently.
It's funny how people suddenly is taking a umbrella in Madrid. The situation is as follows: Nice wather, passers-by form a mass of heads and blurry faces in the crowded streets and the sky begins to cry and the faces disappear and all you manage to see is a lot of umbrellas opened creating a colourful view. However, when it begins to rain in England, people usually cover their head with a hood. There are just a few with brollies. Most of them wear raincoats.

I used to hate rain in Madrid. I considered it very annoying and unpleasant, but I'm learning a valuable lesson..:C'mon it's just some water.